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Students – at Seventh Day Indo Public School – look forward to spending productive hours in Libraries’ spacious, airy, and stimulating ambience. Here books of an extremely large variety are stored neatly in the racks. Seating is most comfortable while helpful, knowledgeable Librarians are there to guide the pupils through thousands of titles.

Seventh Day Indo Public School

The Library provides a collection to students, most of which pupils can borrow from. Students have a week’s free to take a book home. Guide books, including encyclopedias, encyclopedic dictionaries, and insightful picture books are there to support little Pointers’ learning experience. At the Library itself, they can access comics and cartoon books too. The library hours are 9:00 a.m. By 5 P.M. Weekdays. There are also books on school libraries that pupils can take from there too.

In order to satisfy the needs of senior Pointers, the High School Library houses a range of items, including magazines, journals, newspapers, subject, and general reference items, as well as support books for competitive exams that can be borrowed or browsed. Internet services and educational CDs complement High School classroom instruction.

Several guidelines have been laid down for students for the smooth operation of the Library:

  • Library Membership Cards are given at the beginning of a session to students who are expected to return before the Annual Examination or in the event of leaving school. Duplicate Library Cards are given at the Fees Counter upon payment of ₹ 10. Non-transferable Library Tickets.
  • No pupil can enter the Library without a valid Card (with the attached photograph).
  • Pupils are told to promptly inform the Librarian of the loss of the Ticket.
  • Personal items, such as luggage, wallets, attached cases, or books not intended for the Library, must be kept outside before entering the Library.
  • Access to the Reference Section is only allowed with permission from the Librarian and with a valid Card.
  • Members must check a book’s condition before borrowing it. A torn/damaged book must be forthwith brought to the attention of the Librarian. When borrowers are held liable for the loss, injury, default, or mutilation of books, they may have to pay the Library in a manner that the Librarian decides.
  • The Library is just the place to read. Books returned late and Library misuse can result in penalty, temporary or permanent withdrawal of privileges from the Library.
  • Within the Library, users must maintain silence. They must comply with the basic concepts of Library Ethics and obey the policy imposed by the Librarian.